PUTRAJAYA, Nov 2: The review of the Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA) will focus on increasing the productivity and efficiency of the public service through the use of technology and human capital skills, says the Director-General of Public Service, Datuk Seri Dr Zulkapli Mohamed.
In a statement today, he said that the performance of civil servants will be viewed from the aspect of productivity that justifies appropriate salaries for civil servants, their well-being in coping with the cost of living and the country’s fiscal sustainability in financing public service-related expenses.
The government, in a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Public Service Reform (JKK-PPA) on Aug 7, has agreed in principle to the Public Service Department’s (PSD) review of SPPA.
It is an effort to improve public service performance in accordance with Malaysia MADANI’s aspirations, taking into account the fact that there has been no comprehensive review of the remuneration system since 2002.
According to Zulkapli, the review of the SSPA was initiated on July 29, 2023, via a series of engagement session with ministries and federal government agencies that covered six groups, namely technical, health, education, security, management and science and technology.
“We are committed to ensuring that this review is carried out within the specified time frame and with inclusive data findings representing all layers of civil servants,” he said.
To ensure that no civil servant is left behind, Zulkapli said that the PSD would hold more engagement sessions through town halls, conventions and meetings with stakeholders.
He said that as of Oct 31, a total of 98,757 recommendations involving 40,833 respondents had been received.
Any suggestions for improvement can be submitted through the SSPA Review portal at https://semakansaraan.jpa.gov.my.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, when tabling Budget 2024 on Oct 13 announced that the full implementation of the SSPA would begin in 2025.
Zulkapli said that the final report of the SSPA review will be presented in July 2024, after which it will be included in Budget 2025.
“Changes towards a fast and effective work culture through a three-party comprehensive approach, namely the people, government and industry, need to be mobilised by the entire public service machinery so that we can improve performance and productivity together,” he said.