Big water thefts suspected at two railway construction sites in Gombak & Serendah

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9: The National Water Services Commission (SPAN) raided two railway construction sites at Taman Melati in Gombak and at Serendah in Hulu Selangor suspected of stealing water through illegal water connections.

SPAN Enforcement Division director Ainal Yusman Mohamad Yusop said an estimated 250,000 cubic metres of treated water had allegedly been stolen with losses of around RM410,000 recorded since water connections were made at both locations.

He said the surprise enforcement operation was carried out after receiving a complaint from Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Air Selangor).

“In the enforcement operation conducted in Taman Melati, SPAN found two connections using 25mm and 32mm HDPE pipes directly to the main Air Selangor pipe.

“The suspected illegal connection involved the use of water channelled to the temporary workers’ housing area for daily use with an estimated usage of 175,000 cubic metres involving losses of around RM300,000,” he said.

The water supply from the illegal connection was also found to be stored in several water storage tanks for washing vehicles entering and leaving the construction site.

In Serendah, Ainal Yusman said the illegal channel connection detected using a 25mm HDPE pipe involved water usage of 75,000 cubic metres with losses of RM110,000 in the same period (one year).

He said investigations revealed that the premises did not have a valid water supply account registered with Air Selangor and the offence was under Section 123(1) of the Water Services Industry Act 2006 (Act 655) which will be further investigated by SPAN.

“Under the provisions of Section 123(1) of  Act 655, no one other than a licensee can make any connection to a public main or service water pipe.

“Upon conviction, the accused can be fined not exceeding RM100,000 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year or both as provided under Section 123(3) of the same Act,” he said, adding that he did not rule out the possibility that the illegal water connection was made to make more profit.

SPAN said it seeks public cooperation to report suspected cases of water theft to SPAN via WhatsApp at 013-388 5000 or email: