Graffiti is the Soul Of Wit

by JayasankaranKK

Michelle, ma belle, these are words that go together well. – Michelle, the Beatles 

I began to be fascinated by graffiti and wordplay when I was in high school. Like this sign for a furniture store: SOFA SO GOOD.

Or one at a barber: Scissor’s Palace. And one in a women’s restroom, the Zen of relationships, perhaps: “You’re too good for him.” 

Ahh, the sheer pleasure of being amused by words that go together well. When words and ideas are used inventively to create humour, as graffiti does, it’s almost always appreciated.   

On the other hand, this sign in a Japanese hotel wasn’t meant to be amusing: To avoid robbery, certainly rock the rocker room and keep the rocker key with you all the time. Also, we will not take any responsibility for the robbery.

And this sign just before a ramp turnoff along a California highway should give any driver pause: Soft Shoulder; Blind Curves – Steep Grade; Big Trucks – GOOD LUCK!

Now here’s a classy sign at a church:  Autumn Leaves, Jesus Doesn’t.

And there’s this less classy, but no less funny, one from a different church: Staying in Bed Shouting, Oh God! Does Not Constitute Going to Church.

And here’s some information for the thoughtful churchgoer:

Q: How Do We Make Holy Water? A: We Boil the Hell Out of It.

For some clerical advice for the foolhardy driver, we have this:  Honk If You Love Jesus; Text While Driving If You Want to Meet Him.

Here’s a sign to make burglars run, screaming into the night. WARNING – PIT BULL WITH AIDS – NO TRESPASSING.

Talk of a toilet upending the rules of poker: A Flush Always Beats a Full House!

Here’s a sign of clear intent. “In honour of Earth Day, anyone asking for help today will be treated like dirt.”

How does a pet grooming business advertise itself? Get to the point, succinctly: Dirty Dog’s Done Dirt Cheap. 

This self-explanatory sign was on a desk in a reception area. “We Shoot Every 3rd Salesman. The 2nd One Just Left.”

And a sign outside a cabinet maker’s truck: Counter Fitters. What about this at a shoe-repair business? The Sole Provider.

Now here’s a classy sign mocking the stereotyping of Chinese-speak in the US. This was in a Chinese-owned pet store in New York: “Buy one dog, regular price, get one flea.”

There was this sign at a Las Vegas hotel famous for organising quickie marriages: Eat, Drink and Remarry. And Steven Tyler would have loved the name of this Chinese restaurant in England: Wok This Way.

And what do you think the sign was at the shrimp place? Our fish come from the best schools. You could sea that coming a mile away.