KUALA LUMPUR, March 5: The National Audit Department’s Auditor General’s Dashboard today published the details of its audit on a total of 15 federal agencies under seven ministries that have been issued with the AG’s Certificate with reprimand for erroneous financial statements for the year ended Dec 31st, 2023.
According to the report, a total of 29 issues were identified in the financial statements of the 15 agencies under the ministries, namely the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security with a total of nine issues related to MADA, KADA and LKIM, the Ministry of Higher Education with eight issues involving UM, UKM, USM, UTM, PTPTN.
The Ministry of Housing and Local Government had 6 issues related to SWCORP and PR1MA, while the Ministry of Unity had 3 issues related to the Tunku Abdul Rahman Foundation, and the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development had one issue involving SME Corp.
The Works Ministry had one issue involving LJBM and the Human Resources Ministry also had one issue involving the Penang Hindu Endowment Board.
Details of the basis for the AG Certificate with reprimand for the agencies can be found at: https://agdashboard.audit.gov.my/