by A.Kadir Jasin
(This edited opinion piece is from an original version in Bahasa Malaysia in Facebook)
Spots of dark clouds are hanging over our country. That’s what I think. Those who understand atmospheric pressure will surely be vigilant. And those who grasp the metaphors know my underlying meaning.
Clouds, rain, lightning, thunder and wind are the effects of atmospheric changes. Those who are aware will be cautiously prepared because these changes can cause nasal congestions, headaches and colds. Not a pleasant situation to be in.
Mind you, it is not the rainwater that causes nasal congestions, headaches or colds. But the change in atmospheric pressure is the major culprit.
Some parts of our bodies that are filled with air, such as the ears and sinuses (cavities in the skull connected to the nose) are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure. There are those who don’t know or don’t care at all, or throw caution to the winds, so to speak, because whether there are dark clouds or bright skies make no difference to them.
But for those who exploit every form of instability an anomaly, these dark clouds can be used as an excuse to engage in wrongdoings or to profit from them. Consequently, various forms of havoc and challenges confront Malaysians, regardless of whether they are good or bad.
I feel that the wicked deserve to face the music. However, because they are the source of woes, they are usually prepared and avoid the consequences of the troubles they create. They may be people who are about to set foot in jail but deftly avoid incarceration or those behind bars who want to be pardoned.
The burden of distress then falls on the common people and ordinary citizens, as described in “Hidup Sederhana”, a song by the late Datuk Sudirman Haji Arshad: “I live a modest life, (I have) no wealth, no looks, what I have is refined manners, my wealth is just an old bicycle.”
Recently, the police said they have rescued some 400 orphans from oppression and deviant sexual practices of a religion-based economic and welfare organisation.
If it is indeed an organisation based on religion, why are the actions they are accused of contrary to the teachings of its sacred writings? Where have the government and enforcement agencies been all this while?
Let’s hope we don’t become victims of our own ignorance or folly from the upheavals and sufferings that have been created as they are double-edge swords that can slay us, too!
Datuk A. Kadir Jasin is a National Journalism Laureate and the views expressed here are entirely his own