Reviewed By Sharm Nidya

I haven’t read his Bestseller – The 48 Laws of Power. But I have been told time and again that it is a remarkable book and I should dive into it. Not one for ‘heavy-duty’ reading, I was inclined to read The Daily Laws only because I thought with a cover so simple, how could this book ever reach out to anyone let alone be a bestseller!
I must say, I am now a (somewhat) changed person. My goal for 2022 is to not judge a book by its cover and to explore more titles, similar in nature. Simply put, I am now ready to step out of my comfort zone which has been a plenitude of chick-lit novels since forever.
The 48 Laws of Power is like a daily mantra or guide. I am now on January 23rd and I was quite thrilled to find that the book has the ability to guide me simply by changing my mindset on how I feel about things or the way my day was going. It’s a great pick-me-up when the going gets somewhat tough.
It is an easy read and does not weigh down with a lot of ‘heavy’ theories.
Treat it like a journal, especially for those of you who practise daily gratitude. Engaging, relatable, practical.