Budget 2025: ELMU supports budget increase for enforcement bodies

Prof. Datuk Dr. Kassim Noor

SEREMBAN, Oct 27 — The Madani Government’s move to increase allocations for enforcement bodies should be supported.

Vice Chancellor of Enforcement, Leadership and Management University (ELMU), Prof. Datuk Dr. Kassim Noor Mohamed in a recent press release said, the challenges faced by enforcement agencies, especially the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) at the moment are very high and requires a lot of financial resources to deal with.

“MACC needs a lot of allocations to deal with major corruption issues and abuse of power.  MACC’s responsibility is huge and the organisation’s success in dealing with corruption issues is something to be proud of. 

“Nonetheless, the MACC needs to get more support and financial assistance in empowering the professionalism of their officers who deal with issues of abuse of power and corruption which are becoming more sophisticated and also very difficult to investigate,” he said when commenting on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s budget speech regarding the increase in allocations for MACC.

Dr. Kassim said, therefore, the increase in allocation from RM338 million to RM360 million should be welcomed.

Even so, he added, this is only a beginning, not an end.

“Looking at the current scenario, as with corruption, organised crimes are now on the increase and becoming more sophisticated in their attempts to evade detection by law enforcement,” he said.