When Good Sleeps…

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Observing the state of the world, I turned to the tools of…

The Biggest Sustainability Challenges

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar We often hear about the technological marvels that will solve our sustainability…

How “Self-Knowledge” turned my attention from the outside world to a place of peace within myself

by Joel Metzger on rebuilding his life after a tragic road accident “Years ago, I believed…

Have Hope: We choose to go to the moon…

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Humanity is standing at a crossroads. Our choices in the next six…

The rights of the elderly

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Recently I came across an interesting new European strategy for older persons[1]. …

Engaging sustainable leadership to transform our future

By Nurlina Hussin As you may be aware, the level of awareness on sustainability in Malaysia…

What young people need is someone to believe in them

By Rashid Mat I often feel that many of our young people today only need one…

Living Life To The Full Despite The Big C

By Rene’e Aziz Ahmad My cancer journey began more than 20 years ago in 2001, just…

The importance of speaking up over gossip

by Kok Jun Sern Gossip is a common part of human communication. Whether it is in…

Dad goes the extra mile to realise varsity dream of Temuan Orang Asli daughter

KOTA BHARU, Oct 2: Forty-one-year-old Eron Binchar of the Temuan tribe in Pahang is proof that…

Cooperation, mutual aid, reciprocity vital for societies to thrive

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar I recently got thinking about what are some attitudes and behaviours that…

Be The Candle In The Dark

By Yuet Me Ho-Nambiar In 1859, Charles Dickens penned: “It was the best of times, it…

Power To Do, Not Power Over

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar We are very familiar with the concept of power expressed in countless…

Have Hope

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Doing good in this article is defined as advancing social and environmental…

Trust of the Whole

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar With news frequently breaking around us in regions across the world about…

A take on JFK’s 1963 “Strategy of Peace” speech

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar On the morning of Malaysia turning 65, my thoughts naturally turn to…

Thriving in a VUCA world

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Without doubt, we now live in a society where change is fast-paced…

Have Hope

Celebrating life despite the challenges, uncertainties in the year ahead By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar As we…

Have Hope

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Think about the world of humanity in the context of the human…

Have Hope

Guided by personal ethics of ‘do more good’, Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar has a long involvement with…

Have hope

Guided by personal ethics of ‘do more good’, Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar has a long involvement with…

Have Hope

Malaysians Do Care By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Two realities are manifesting itself in Malaysia. The first…

Have Hope

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar For decades, a materialistic ideology that places the accumulation of wealth at…

Have Hope

This Decade will define the destiny of Humanity By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Until recently, humanity’s relationship…