How to turn learning into positive outcomes

by Major (Rtd) Dr. Prebagaran Jayaraman Many governments, organisations and individuals are committed to investing in…

Kami9 is coming

By Dato Syed Ahmad Idid Kami9 is coming A new advocacy group, Kami9, is emerging to…

Living Life To The Full Despite The Big C

By Rene’e Aziz Ahmad My cancer journey began more than 20 years ago in 2001, just…

The importance of speaking up over gossip

by Kok Jun Sern Gossip is a common part of human communication. Whether it is in…

Adopt a fire hydrant to help BOMBA and your community

by Datu Khiruddin Drahman When there is a fire to a building, a fire hydrant plays…

Price rise of rice also gives rise to anxiety among cats and dogs

by Trailerman Sam When it was announced that the price of imported white rice would be…

Why AI is good news for PR practitioners

For illustration purpose. Plenty of AI tools online to help public relations practitioners with their work.…

Safe homes and buildings are our collective responsibility

By Datu Khiruddin Drahman MANY people often think that fire safety and fire security are the…

Letter to Editor: Work-Life Balance: A Lost Art

There is this unspoken assumption that the forty-hour workweek has been the enduring norm for centuries.…

HK pop legend Anita Mui was a staunch Man United fan

By Jeff Yong “If you didn’t even know what ‘offside’ meant, she (Anita Mui) would get…

History’s conceptual connections to the past, the present and the future

By Sam Trailerman Napoleon once said; “What is history but a fable agreed upon?” Mind you…

Dad goes the extra mile to realise varsity dream of Temuan Orang Asli daughter

KOTA BHARU, Oct 2: Forty-one-year-old Eron Binchar of the Temuan tribe in Pahang is proof that…

Let’s chill and celebrate, The mooncake festival is before us!

Just a few weeks back, many Indians were over the moon when India’s Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft landed…

Why I like the villain in “Jailer” movie?

By Sam Trailerman “Manasilayo” is a punchy term in Malayalam meaning “Do you understand?” uttered by…

Have A Take It Easy Policy for Your Sanity

By Sam Trailerman Pain! Pain! Pain! So much pain, day and night pain, 24/7 pain. Over…

Cooperation, mutual aid, reciprocity vital for societies to thrive

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar I recently got thinking about what are some attitudes and behaviours that…

When to Step On, Hit or Run When Facing the King of Serpents

By Trailerman Sam Taking the bull by its horns literally means to deal with a difficult…

Bad Boys, Big Gals & Watering Holes

By Trailerman Sam A watering hole in American slang means a bar, nightclub, or other social…

Would You Pay RM315,000 to Learn How to Flirt?

Would you pay someone a princely sum of RM315,000 to learn about how to flirt and…

Let’s be clear about Kulim’s future

By Trailerman Sam Holy cow! They don’t even have a colorectal unit at the Seberang Jaya…

Keeping scammers at bay

by Jeff Yong Of late, I’ve been pondering over some scamming cases. So much hard-earned money…

Why Young Students Have To Take On So Many Subjects

by Trailerman Sam If one teacher alone cannot teach all the subjects, why and how is…

Be The Candle In The Dark

By Yuet Me Ho-Nambiar In 1859, Charles Dickens penned: “It was the best of times, it…

It is not all about profit

By Panirselvam Ayadurai Business ecosystems have radically undergone changes in recent times. Many industries such as…