A Reflective Review: The Timeless Wisdom and Quiet Strength of Fathers

by Dr Rahim Said In reading Fathers and Their Wisdom, I was deeply moved and reminded…

How does ancient wisdom guide modern leaders?

by Dr Prebagaran Jayaraman While enjoying my gardening one day last week I received an interesting …

What Else is New?

by Dr Rahim Said Sometimes, you wonder what people talk about during a two-hour lunch meeting.…

Have we lost the art of letter writing?

by Sam Trailerman To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere, without moving…

Get this: your luxurious lobster nasi lemak at just RM410 a plate

The crustaceans shown are for illustration only by Dr Rahim Said  Well, well, well, it was…

My great fun with padi fields

by Nic Ang, the Happy Wanderer In the 1970s, I remember my late mum taking us…

When God Orders, Even the Devil Delivers

by Dr Rahim Said  The story of the poor woman, the prankster, and the divine delivery…

I live alone but am not lonely

by Aisha Rashid The Advanced English dictionary defines ‘lonely’ as ‘lacking companions or companionship’ or ‘marked…

Where money speaks, are relationships still relevant?

By Mei Kuan who delves into the intricacies of the PR industry “Guanxi” – anyone who…

Reflecting on the warmth of “Bula” in Fiji, let’s popularise “Salam” as a friendly Malaysian greeting

By Ravindran Raman Kutty During my two-week project in Suva, working with the Fijian government, I…

Why would anyone keep RM600k in cash & jewellery at home?

by Dr Rahim Said In the wee hours of the morning, while most of us are…

Bakso Goyang Lidah at Bungalow 18 – Swaying Your Culinary Senses

by Dr Rahim Said Our first encounter with “bakso goyang lidah” happened in the 1990s during…

My treasure trove of books, my loot to enjoy

by Trailerman Sam If there’s one not-so-awesome habit that I have, it would be “reading while…

Achieving balanced economic reforms

by Lim Chee Wei More than 90 percent of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members under…

How “Self-Knowledge” turned my attention from the outside world to a place of peace within myself

by Joel Metzger on rebuilding his life after a tragic road accident “Years ago, I believed…

Have you ever experienced a good, bad and ugly supermoon all at once?

The fallen giant in front of my house by Trailerman Sam (tapessam@gmail.com) A supermoon occurs when…

Langkawi’s affordable charm, still the region’s best kept secret

Pic courtesy of Rebak Langkawi by Dr Rahim Said Langkawi often finds itself compared to regional…

Paying RM362 for a Ramly burger but in Cambodian riels?

The yummy but yet-to-be-opened version by Dr Rahim Said  Oh yes! the Ramly burger — a greasy, glorious…

Have Hope: We choose to go to the moon…

By Yuet Mee Ho-Nambiar Humanity is standing at a crossroads. Our choices in the next six…

When MB or “embi” was such a buzzword in Kedah back then

by A. Kadir Jasin When I was in Kedah during the 1950s and 60s, I’d remember…

How I found peace in my heart

by Alexandra Nindl I grew up in Austria in the Alps, a very picturesque and beautiful…

The Malaysian weight loss myth: Why exercise alone won’t shrink that belly

Image courtesy of Microsoft Copilot by Dr Rahim Said We’ve all been sold the same story:…

Life is a river

by A. Kadir Jasin Those who feel that the injury to their souls and sensibilities inflicted…

The hidden cost of wanderlust: stress and anxiety at the border

by Dr Rahim Said For many Malaysians, the excitement of a long weekend recently and a…