By Jeff Yong
When certain people reach a ripe old age, more often than not people tend to think of them as out of whack because of the things they say. But then again, there are people who, even past 90, have great and profound things to say. We can certainly benefit from people like them.
And one of them is Charan Anand, who just turned 92, and lives in Aventura, Florida. Who is he then?
Looking very much younger than his actual age, the bubbly Charan Anand is a lifelong advocate of inner peace as taught by one of the greatest peace advocates on Planet Earth, Prem Rawat, and Prem’s father and teacher, Shri Maharaji.
Marcia Newman, a writer with PremRawat.com, recently did a highly-absorbing interview with Charan Anand, who had hailed from a small village of Sudar Pura, near Kotpuli, in Rajasthan, India.
Marcia writes: For more than seven decades, Charan Anand, has met with thousands of people all over the world who are interested in learning more about the experience of Self-Knowledge that Prem Rawat freely offers.
Now what is Self-Knowledge in Prem Rawat’s playbook?
Charan Anand: “It’s very simple. Prem Rawat teaches a daily practice referred to as “Knowledge” or “knowledge of the self.” It is a natural method for turning one’s attention within and feeling the peace that’s already there. For me, it is a directly enjoyable experience.”
Charan Anand’s views on aging is something that many in Malaysia can reflect upon as the country has an increasingly aging population because of better healthcare and other positive factors.
“Though my body is 92 years old, inside I feel ageless. Aging has not really worried me. A long time ago, Prem said, “When we focus on the body, we feel our age. When we focus on the inner feeling, we feel ageless.” He has showed me that which is timeless and I like to focus on that.
“At the same time, my body is my home. I must take care of it, too. There’s that saying, “After 60, if you don’t wake up with some aches and pains and stiffness, that means you’re dead.” Of course, I wake up with some of those aches.
“I just turned 92 on May 2, 2023. Yet, I make my effort with staying healthy. It’s important to me. “Like a house or a car, it needs maintenance. I try to eat well, exercise daily and get good sleep.
“There are many ways to exercise. You have to find your own ways that are pleasurable. For me, I enjoy playing golf, yoga, walking in the fresh air, listening to music and singing.”
Charan Anand continues: “In earlier years, I enjoyed golf as a form of exercise, and I organised charity golf tournaments to support The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) – Food for People Program. The Food for People (FFP) program provides nutritious meals, clean water, and educational opportunities to impoverished communities. I know one day everything will be left behind and I want to be connected to that feeling of peace.”
Charan Anand also reveals that practising knowledge daily is very important to him as “it takes me deeper within myself.”
Reflecting on his early years in a village in Rajasthan, Charan Anand recalls: “It was surrounded by beautiful countryside between two small mountains. My father was a remarkably caring, kind and generous human being. When I was eight years old, there was a terrible drought in our region and the village farmers took loans to stay afloat.
“My father, who ran a carpentry business, provided his credit-worthiness as collateral to support their loans. As the drought persisted and the lenders applied pressure, my father made the decision to travel beyond our village with his crew to make extra money to help pay off the loans. I was taken out of school to help cook for the traveling men, as well as help with the carpentry.
“For this reason, I only completed two years of formal education. However, I did learn to cook really well, a skill that has been very useful throughout the years. As I grew older, I wanted to develop my skills in the fine art of carpentry. So, I contacted a relative living in Delhi who was very advanced in his carpentry skills. He invited me to stay with him in Delhi. I was around 17 years old.”
One year later, Charan Anand attended a talk by Prem Rawat’s father, Shri Maharaji. It became the turning point of his life and brought him to where and what he is today – another fervent advocate of peace on earth.