by Krishnan Kumari Varma
After working for five wonderful years in a private hospital in Petaling Jaya, I was given an opportunity to travel to Ahmedabad in India after I joined an NGO.
Definitely, it was an exciting invitation for me when I was offered the chance to travel, and quite far away too, by air!
Strange emotions did set in, however, when I thought about the trip. It meant I had to part with my mom, the “queen of my heart”, and “Furkid”, my pet dog.
When you see them every day and suddenly, you’re not going to be with them for quite a while, now that’s something to think about.
But the thought of being lifted to the beautiful sky and soaking in new experiences made me shut out the negative thoughts of the temporary separation.
After checking-in and boarding the plane, the feeling was great. While in the air, I felt I was soaring like a bird! I was flying in the sky!
I reached my destination after eight hours, including a transit in New Delhi. And New Delhi’s airport was a sight to behold – it was like a beehive! So many passengers moving around like bees!
It was a great opportunity to be able to see all this. I remember some great people saying “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page” and “Not all those who wander are lost.”
During this special trip, I was able to enjoy and practise some self-reflection while being away from home. Which gave me an insight of the meaning of my solo journey of life at this moment of time. Although the trip was a brief one, it was definitely delightful and worth every moment.
And I truly enjoyed meeting many interesting people from various countries and different paths of life. I embraced those experiences with great gratitude while I managed to forget home for a couple of days.