NEW DELHI, April 23 – In a move to fight the new surge in COVID-19 cases in India, the Indian Air Force (IAF) is carrying out sorties from various parts of the country to airlift oxygen containers, cylinders, essential medicines, equipment required for setting up and sustaining COVID hospitals and facilities.
A statement issued by India’s Press Information Bureau said the IAF Transport aircraft and helicopters have been pressed into service for carrying out these tasks including the airlift of doctors and nursing staff from Kochi, Mumbai, Vizag and Bangalore for various hospitals at Delhi.
The C-17 and IL-76 aircraft of IAF have started airlifting big empty oxygen tankers from their place of use to the filling stations across the country to speed up the distribution of much needed oxygen.
In addition to this, the C-17 and IL-76 have transported large quantity of load comprising bio safety cabinets and autoclave machines for setting up of an additional COVID test facility at Leh. The IAF transport and helicopter assets are on standby to be deployed at short notice, the statement said.