Shaun Roy (Drummer) and Timothy George (Vocalist/Guitarist)
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
By Joan D.
KUALA LUMPUR, July 30: Expressing oneself aloud comes at a heavy price so it seems. Often, you are made fun of or questioned unceasingly. It can take a toll on anyone faced with such a predicament.
At the same time, forms of expression are what we humans live for, whether that be through the written word such as poems and novels, melodies for our hearts and soul through music and dance, or even the stories we create that visually encapsulate us.
For The Baby Cosmos, a quartet comprising Timothy George (20), Darrel Jacques (19), Joseph Khoo (19) and Shaun Roy (19), music is their choice of creative expression.
Music brought them together two years ago. And their music has also drawn many followers. For the uninitiated, you can check them out at Spotify.
As an up-and-coming alternative rock band, its members promise to play their best before any audience, leave an impressionable memory, blow their fans’ minds and or even make them feel alive again through their repertoire.
It certainly takes a lot of guts to deliver their own original compositions that includes personal reflections or experiences on important aspects of life. Even a simple but important thing like helping one to sleep well.
Sharing their personal experiences through their creative musical work sometimes make them a little self-conscious as it is akin to opening up their lives through their original compositions
Explains guitarist Darrel Jacques: “Every now and then when someone approaches us and recalls how our song affected them, to the extent of making them feel alive and wanting to live all over again, no riches in the whole wide world can equate to this level of satisfaction.
“Making waves within the local music scene whilst capturing as big of an audience as you can attract often comes with the price of succumbing to writing songs or performing numbers that give others a cheap thrill, and forgetting that first and foremost, it is a form of expression for the band!
“Fortunately, all of us have maintained originality, underscoring that it is more than enough to resonate with others as well as make our mark within the local music scene.”
In recent months, Darrel reveals that compliments on their music have come in the form like “It’s familiar but still fresh at the same time” or “It makes me feel like I am in a coming-of-age movie” have often come their way,
The majority of the band’s fanbase range between 17 and 21-year-olds. Many are also keen to invite the band to perform at their school, college and university events.
The Baby Cosmos draw inspiration from their heroes such as The Strokes, The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys and many more. The band members build their alternative sound by exploring a range of different music genres.
Although in recent years guitar-based music has slowly fallen off the charts and is generally considered ‘old school’, The Baby Cosmos have found a niche here with the rising Indie culture in Malaysia’s music scene. They have carved out a name for themselves by showcasing their youthful creativity.
Band members hope that their alternative sound will take them far one day and become a part of a movement that brings back guitar-based music to mainstream platforms.
Fans are attracted to The Baby Cosmos for their unique sound that stand out from the rest, including melodies that resonate with many fond memories. This makes their followers feel good which is the true essence of their music.
The band is often complimented for being an outstanding “live” act b, adapting its own originals from recorded versions.
When playing covers, the band members have a knack in knowing what suits the crowd, thus ensuring that audiences are having a great time so that they leave the performances mesmerised and satisfied
In conclusion, Darrel says: “In such a highly competitive industry where everyone strives to be the best, the band works hard to be respected and taken seriously, whilst having the same appreciation for others. It is important to remember that creating art is a noble profession that feeds both our hearts and souls, and gives us even more reason to live life.
“With the drive to be the best, we have made many friends along our journey, building connections with peers who mutually respect what we are all about, and even going out of their way to give us relevant pointers on how we can be better.
“The band works hard, week in, week out to produce good quality music and perform well for people to groove to. We want our music to do the talking.”
The Baby Cosmos will perform at the International Understandings Day of SMK Sri Bintang Utama on Sept 9, 2023. For future gigs, check out their Instagram @thebabycosmos.