PUTRAJAYA, Nov 15: More than one million trade union membership has been recorded as of Oct 30, well ahead of the original target of 2025, said Human Resource Minister V. Sivakumar.
“This achievement is something to be proud of, especially for the ministry which expects more workers to join trade unions,” he told a press conference after attending the 2023 National Trade Union Assembly here on Tuesday.
Sivakumar said that number needs to be increased to ensure that the union membership ratio is half of the total number of workers in the country.
“We have 16 million workers. If it reaches a ratio of half of the total (workers), it will be quite an encouraging ratio,” he said.
Meanwhile, Sivakumar said any employee who was terminated or whose work was affected following the boycotts against companies with alleged links to Israel could make a complaint to the Ministry of Human Resources (KSM).
“They do have the right to make a complaint to the ministry. We (KSM) will look into this matter,” he said, adding that so far, KSM has not received any report regarding the matter.