PUTRAJAYA, July 30 – Out of the 16,840 new Covid-19 cases reported today, 98 percent or 16,556 cases under Category 1 (without symptoms) and 2 with light symptoms, the Ministry of Health said today.
These were based on their clinical conditions at the point of being diagnosed with Covid-19.
A total of 25 or 0.1 cases were under Category 5 or critical and in need of ventilators. They also had no history of vaccination.
Seventy-nine or 0.5 percent of them were in Category 4 and needed to be on oxygen with 83.5 percent of them without any history of vaccination.
There were also 180 or 1.1 percent of cases in Category 3 or already having pneumonia with 68.9 percent of them with no history of vaccination.
There were 8,410 or 49.9 percent of cases under Category 2 with light symptoms with close to 70 percent of them not having any vaccination history while 8,146 cases (48.4 percent) reported today had no symptoms with 91 percent of them with no history of vaccination.
According to the MOH report, some of them will remain in their categories throughout their period of infection while some might get better and there would be cases that will get worse.
In the hospital scenario, patients under category 3-5 will be of a higher percentage as many of the patients under category 1 and 2 will be allowed for isolation at home but they must be low risk and have suitable homes and fulfill the conditions.
Meanwhile, in its daily report, the ministry reported that 12,179 people have recovered from the virus, raising the number of recoveries to 902,921. A total of 17 new cases today were also imported.
The number of patients being in intensive care units remained a high 1,055 while total cases in the country rose to 1,095,486.
Another 134 people lost their lives to Covid-19 bringing the total deaths number to 8,859. Another 532 patients are on ventilators.
Close to 20 million people in Malaysia have at least taken their first vaccination.