PUTRAJAYA, Aug 10 – Out of the 19,991 new Covid-19 cases reported by the Health Ministry today, 385 cases or 1.9 percent of them accounted for cases under the more serious categories of 3,4 and 5.
About 29 percent of the 114 cases under Category 4 (patients requiring oxygen) and close to 15 percent or the 39 cases under Category 5 (critical with organ failure and in need of support for breathing) could have been vaccinated based on the given data but whether they have been fully vaccinated cannot be ascertained at this point.
There were a total of 232 cases under Category 3 (already having pneumonia) with 34.1 percent of them having been vaccinated while the remaining showing no history of vaccination.
Close to 70 percent of them jointly under these categories do not have any history of vaccination, according to the Health Ministry.
A total of 19,606 of the new cases reported today were in Category 1 (no symptoms) and Category 2 with mild symptoms. Close to 87 percent of them in Category 1 have no history of vaccination while close to 67 percent of them in Category 2 were also not vaccinated. The rest of them who had tested positive have a history of vaccination.
Malaysia reported 201 deaths today from the Covid-19 virus bringing the total deaths in the country to 11,162.
A total of 16,258 people were reported to have recovered, raising the number of recoveries from the virus to 1,057,843
while the total number of positive cases rose to 1,299,767.
A high number of 1,096 are being treated in the intensive care units with 570 requiring assisted breathing.
More than 25 million people in Malaysia have already received their first shot of vaccination to fight the virus. Out of them nine million have taken both their doses.
However, based on the Health Ministry’s report, vaccinations do not exempt a person from the possibility of getting infected by Covid-19 and although a majority will see a mild infection with vaccination, there is also no guarantee of not getting seriously infected even with vaccination.
The ministry continues to advise the people to follow the guidelines of wearing masks, washing hands, social distancing and going out only when necessary in order to keep safe from the virus.