KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 7: DAP National Chairman Lim Guan Eng today took to task the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kepala Batas Siti Mastura Mohamad for a speech she made at a PAS political event recently in Kemaman, Terengganu, alleging that several DAP leaders were related to each other as well as to the late Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and communist leader Chin Peng.
In a press conference at Parliament today, the Bagan MP said the speech made by Siti Mastura were full of lies, with repeated racial rhetorics against DAP leaders and smacked of envy.
A video of Siti Mastura giving her speech was also played for reporters to hear directly the statements made by the PN-PAS MP.
“The speech was slanderous and a personal attack against me, my family, DAP leaders and ministers Anthony Loke, Nga Kor Ming, MP Theresa Kok. It was not just personal attacks but filled with racial slurs and ill-intentions against us, particularly me and my father Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang. Although he has retired, he still remains a target for the PAS MP.
“I want to stress that I am not related to Anthony Loke, Theresa Kok and neither is my wife, …Nga Kor Ming,… and more importantly we are not related to Chin Peng and Lee Kuan Yew.”
Guan Eng said he will give Siti Mastura a chance to reply and await her to provide the proof of her allegations against the DAP leaders that they are all related and related to Chin Peng and Lee Kuan Yew.
He said action will be taken if she fails to provide the evidence for her claims.
“This dirty politics of PAS must stop,” he added.