By Nesha Pany
PETALING JAYA, Sept 13 – A fun-filled fund raising event, Colors of Malaysia, was held by the Spastic Children’s Association of Selangor & Federal Territory (SCAS&FT) recently in conjunction with the 65th celebration of Malaysia’s National Day.
The event, organised in collaboration with Music Mart, expected to see only 80-100 participants but close to 300 tickets were sold.
The purpose of the event was to raise funds for the care and development of children with cerebral palsy.
The evening was filled with entertainment with an array of performances lined up by special children and young talents. These included performances from a live band, percussion band, drum circle, and line dancing. The talented performers were coached by Edwin Nathaniel, the founder and owner of Music Mart.
Having volunteered with SACS&FT for 22 years now, Edwin Nathaniel said he was passionate about teaching music to special needs children.
“I want to give these children an opportunity to tap on their talents, give them the platform to perform and shine.

“Music is a powerful therapy whereby it helps children with special needs to improve on a variety of developmental skills. This includes improving their motor skills, cognition abilities, focus, teamwork, discipline and at the same time getting them to enjoy what they like.”
As for the performers of the night, Joshua and Sarah who are students of Music Mart, said it was a dream come true to be able to perform in a band.
“What we love about performing is working with talented people and getting to see a lot of crowds,” they said.

The Spastic Children’s Association of Selangor & Federal Territory is a non-profit welfare-based organisation dedicated to improving the quality of life for children with cerebral palsy. The school provides free services for these children including special education, vocational training, and rehabilitation.
For further information, please send an email to info@scasft.org
Edited by Melissa Duis