The mobile miracle

by Sebastian Lim

Photo credit: Pixabay

The smartphone is one device that has truly revolutionised our lives in all aspects.

These days, almost everyone has a mobile phone or even two, which they would be looking at every few seconds, checking out new messages or videos or whatever, wherever they are.

At the MRT station or in the MRT itself; at cafes; at restaurants; at airports waiting for their planes, etc.

We are a generation that is ruled by the most indispensable device in our lives. From students to office workers to professionals to labourers, we are all addicted to our mobile phones.

Just watch the crowds at any public places such as transport stations or restaurants and you will be amazed to find everyone looking at or chatting on their phones.

The mobile phone has indeed taken over our life in ways that we never expected nor imagined.

We have come a long way since Alexander Graham Bell first said “hello” on his telephone in 1876.

Over the years since its invention by Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, the mobile cell phone has made many other devices redundant. Such as the camera, the calculator, the dictionary, the credit card, the digital music player such as Ipod, and even the physical money, etc.

It has also killed off many businesses such as photo-printing, camera shops, music shops selling CDs, VCDs and DVDs. You can now watch movies and videos on your mobile phone. Only movie houses managed to survive because they reinvented themselves as cineplexes with sense-surround sounds and other visual effects to captivate audiences. And not forgetting the popcorn!

Now, everything can be accessed via the smartphone with a touch of the finger. You can also conduct your business via the various apps on the phone, including video conferencing.

You can do your banking online with your handphones. No more queuing up at the bank or ATM. You can also shop for your daily needs and other items through your phone on platforms such as Shopee, Amazon or Lazada. Or even your favourite pharmacies and supermarkets. And pay for your purchases with the phone apps and wallets.

The smartphone is also a one-stop device in your life that can fulfil all your lifestyle needs.

From business to entertainment to gaming to shopping, the mobile phone lets you do what you need to do. And also connects you with people you need to contact. With the improvement in the speed of the internet connection, mobile phones can also be used to offer medical assistance to isolated areas where access to medical facilities may not be easily available. And does it fast. Especially handy during emergencies, provided you have internet and battery on your phone!

This is one invention that truly revolutionised our lives in the modern age and beyond. And believe me, what the latest phone can do will not stop there, as more new features will be added and upgraded to allow us to use this device for more functions in the future!