By Trailerman Sam
My tuition class students are rather distinguishable. The way they think, how they do their revisions and what type of snacks they like most, I sort of know their leanings.
In a nutshell, I dare say they do dance differently although to the same tune. In other words, yes, they do want to study hard but each has a different methodology.
Books aside, I have also come across some who go nutty over the same someone of the opposite sex. It’s something that’s to be expected – the joys of being an adolescent, pursuing the dalliance of romance at a young age!
At times, the intent on carrying on the razor-sharp rivalry is tantamount to holding a dagger at the romantic competitor or obstacle in their post-pubescent love lives!
I’d often have a good laugh whenever they relate their skirmishes with me, usually what they had posted on social media to reflect their state of mind in their status updates. The reflections of their anger and frustrations can get me to cry me a river for sure, occasionally.
Leaving aside the fun part, let me go to the serious side of things. I had two students who had the same ambition — to be a policewoman!
That was super fine with me. And I motivated them, as usual, with tonnes of encouragement.
One student was from an earlier batch. I felt she got what it takes to be a lady in blue.
Now taking a diploma course, she’s tall, exceeding the required height of 1.57m to join the force.
Well-built and possessing stern looks from eyes that could incinerate a wrong-doer, she should stand a good chance with a little more weight added to her present frame.
With intimidating looks that scream that she could smack you down with a single blow, she once confided in me on how she had raised a chair single-handedly to knock down a guy in her class. That guy had been giving her a hard time by belittling her in front of his mates. All of them ended up in the HM’s office!
Do I condone violence in school? No, in actual fact but in self-defence, maybe. Go ahead, girls!
The other student who wants to be a cop is not that tough-looking. Under her sweet demeanour and penetrating eyes, this young lass is an exponent in silambam, an Indian ancient art of self-defence. Just one lighting strike from that long bamboo staff could have her “victim” calling for his or her mother in agony.
Forensics could be a good option for her as she’s smart and likes to delve into things earnestly. Whatever assignments that were given to her, she would work on them diligently. She too needs to put on a few more kilos before she goes to that interview.
To both of them, may the force be with them. Deep in my heart, I believe these two lasses wouldn’t be lured to be on the wrong side of the law like the notorious Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, from the movie, Star Wars. I’m prepared to bet my last ringgit on their righteous career paths.
As a tuition teacher, it’s not just about giving tuition on school subjects. The role also extends to advising the young on what’s good and what’s bad in life.
Trailerman Sam is a popular tuition teacher in Penang. If he is not teaching, he is writing, drinking plenty of coffee and probably star or planet gazing. He can be reached at trailer17@hotmail.com
The views expressed here are that of the writer’s and not necessarily that of Weekly Echo’s.