PETALING JAYA, May 3: Weekly Echo has started a new video column – WE CARE – that will highlight issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all members of the United Nations in 2015 towards better life for all on planet Earth.
The video column will be hosted by Dr. Praveena Rajendra, a senior lecturer with Taylor’s University and vice-president of the Malaysian Animal Welfare Association.
In her first column today, Praveena focuses on SDG 15 (Life on Land) one of the 17 SDGs. She highlights the plight of stray dogs in the country and how they could be dealt in a more humane manner.
“There have been many many stories of animals being not just mistreated but killed with unbelievable cruelty. Raising awareness on their plight and doing something about it practically can go a long way towards their well being. This column is about raising awareness on how life on land can be better for everyone.”
Praveena’s column appears in Weekly Echo’s Instagram and Tik Tok channels.