KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 8 – The youth leaders and students behind the UM Young Leaders club hope to gain from networking with other young leaders from Indonesia, Japan, Thailand and China who will be gathering virtually at the UM Young Leaders Carnival this Sunday, January 9.
Speaking to Weekly Echo recently, Lim San Shien, the President of the UM Young Leaders said apart from the international delegates, students from more than 20 universities are also expected to participate virtually in the various programmes planned for the day.
He said the carnival was the club’s flagship international event aimed at enabling students to expand their leadership capacities, discuss important issues, as well as hone in on their soft skills.
The event, which will take off at 10 am Sunday will also provide students the opportunity to network with youth leaders while enhancing the bonding between all members.

Among other activities, there will be virtual sports session, academic discussions, interactive sharing session from international delegates, youth leaders and varsity students , interesting games sessions to talent showcase!
For more details on the event, kindly contact San Shien on Instagram@limsanshien or email: umyoungleaders@um.edu.my